Sunday, January 20

... About This Overwhelming Sense of Jealousy I'm Experiencing Right Now

Reader, I'm not a huge celebrophile. Sure, I'll flip through entertainment news every now and then, but I've had a few celebrity encounters and never got that excited about them. I am disinclined to believe that a person is worthy of my admiration simply because of their celebrity status.

However, I got a text message from my sister today that made my blood boil in jealous rage. Because there are some people, some celebrities, that literally make my heart skip a beat every time I see them on screen or read their name in the news. From these, I've picked my favorites to be in my Top Five: Ron Howard, Matt Damon, Jason Bateman, Gael Garcia Bernal, and Dom Monaghan. These are my favorites, but there are others on serious contention. It's pretty easy for someone with an honorable mention to get bumped into the Top Five on a whim.

Maren got to meet one of these honorable mentions today. She works in the press department at Sundance, and during the festival (which is now) she spends her days helping out at several of the different film venues. The text message said:

I. Met. Alan. Rickman. He was at U23D. I handed him his glasses and said enjoy the show. He said thank you. The wedding is in April. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape!

I literally gasped so hard I started coughing. Alan Rickman is a frickin' stallion!!!! I adore him!

A week or so ago I said something about my Top Five list to Katie, Bailey, and Alexis. They said I was disgusting, simply because they refused to understand what my Top Five list is. Most people only consider physical sex appeal when coming up with a Top Five. If that were the case with me, than yeah, I can see how one might be a bit disturbed to find Ron Howard on the list. But that's not what MY Top Five is! It's not based on looks alone. It's based on a combination of charm, talent, and the possession of a certain je ne sais quois that makes me want to see any movie or TV show they are involved in.

Yes, I do know that Matt Damon is on my Top Five. But he's not on the list for the reasons you think, Reader. True, he's a double-dipped-chocolate-chunk-truffle in the Eye Candy world, but the reason he's on my top five is because he always looks down when he smiles. Watch, you'll see it. It's that random, tiny character trait that makes my heart flutter. And Mr. Howard? I have profound respect for the man who's been an actor since he was a toddler, is still married to his high school sweetheart, and never once used his celebrity as an excuse for illicit behavior. Plus, have you ever seen "American Graffiti"? He's absolutely adorable!

Are you starting to understand now, Reader? Or are you so shallow that your only response is, "Yeah, but Dom Monaghan and Gael Garcia Bernal are so SHORT!" Who cares? They're brilliant!

And as for Alan Rickman... Who couldn't love the man that performed to perfection in everything from "Die Hard" to "Harry Potter" to "Galaxy Quest", and still had the cajones to whip out his pipes for "Sweeney Todd"?!

So, seriously, Reader. Quit making fun of my Top Five... we both know you're only doing it because you're jealous.


Chill said...

:: Slow Clapping which is the motivation for others to start clapping until the entire audience is clamoring! ::

Bravo Kristen! I agree with you!

Alan Rickman?! That's sooo cool!

Chill said...

Oh, and you shouldn't be associating with people that don't love the magic that is Dom Monaghan.

Love. Him.

Anonymous said...

The three things I love most in the world are
1) Being mentioned on the internet on a site that does not require you to be 18 to enter.
2) Making my little sister justifiably jealous, and
3) Alan Rickman.
Congrats sis! This blog has achieved the trifecta.