Friday, January 11

... About My Recent Lack of Blogging

Yesterday my mom admonished me for failing to update my blog. To be perfectly frank, I wasn't aware that my mom was a regular patron of "What I Think...", but she had a point. At my old job I had nothing better to do than work on my blog, play on Facebook or FreeRice, write political manifestos, etc. But, since I started my new job, I spend my days working. It's a novel concept, I know. However, I apologize for neglecting my first and foremost duties - bringing you the joyous inner workings of my subconscious. So, while I'm waiting for my daily report to print, I'll write a few mini-blogs to get you caught up on my thoughts over the last week or two:

  • Katie knows me well. She knows me so well, in fact, that she gave me a Word-A-Day desk calendar for Christmas. Golden. My word today is "baleful", meaning 1) deadly or pernicious in influcence, or 2) foreboding or threatening evil. Yesterday it was "teleological". The day before that was "John Barleycorn".
  • I don't know how long that Tootsie Roll has been in the drawer, and, not knowing, whether or not I should eat it.
  • You'll be happy to hear I've finally solidified My Top Five. In alphabetical order, they are: Jason Bateman, Matt Damon, Gael Garcia-Bernal, Ron Howard, and Dom Monaghan. If you don't know what My Top Five is, don't make assumptions. You're probably wrong.
  • The problem with hooker boots is, when your left sock falls down it's such a process to get it back up again.
  • One of my co-workers, Alina, accidentally took the little money tube thing from the bank drive-thru yesterday. I think that officially makes her a bank robber. Oh, and my boss is watching soap operas in his office right now.
  • Would you eat at a restaurant called "The Mangy Moose?" Me, neither.
  • I actually counted the wheels on an 18-wheeler today, because I wondered if it was just an expression.
  • We played Scene-It at Jacey's New Year's Eve party. I dominated. Jacey's friend Austyn thought it was because I majored in film and we played Scene-It for my finals. How awesome would that be?! But no. I had multiple choice/essay tests just like the rest of you.
  • Yeah, that's right. I ate the Tootsie Roll.


Parrish Family said...

First-SICK! I can't believe you ate that. Second I'm glad you updated. It was almost to the point I was going to have to say something!

Cali said...

Hi, I'm Mckenna Pritchett-Shumway's friend, and you probably think I'm a stalker (I assure you I am not), but I just had to comment about your co-worker stealing the money-tube thing from the bank drive-through... that is so funny. I've done that - three times! (blame it on my roots) It was so embarrassing that I banned myself from bank drive-throughs forever. (Thank goodness now for direct deposit and online banking.)

Parrish Family said...

Kristen, I think you should update!