Tuesday, June 3

... About Sleep... Precious Sleep...

Hey, Reader. *yawn* Sorry, I'm just so... tired today. I don't know why. I guess I'm just having one of those days, you know? It's difficult to form coherent sentences. I can't stop yawning, my head feels all fuzzy and all I want to do is take a nap.

Mmmmm..... nap......

Okay, gotta wake up, gotta wake up, gotta wake up - but how? Let's see... utilize the resources around me... Ooh! Peanut butter M&Ms! Maybe those will work. There should be a bag in my drawer... bingo! Mmmmm..... oh, yes, this is definitely helping....

Crap, the phone's ringing! Quick, gotta chew and swallow... "Good morning, Hy-Ko." BLAST! A shard of colorful candy shell is lodged in my esophagus! Need water, need water... eyes welling up with tears... stupid person on phone still talking.... don't cough into phone, don't cough into phone... "Okay, just one second, please, and I'll transfer you." Press the button*COUGH!* Whew!

Okay, off to the drinking fountain. Don't run, you'll look like a loon. A brisk walk, it's just around the corner... I can see it! Almost there, and - what's this? The colorful candy shell has melted in my mouth. True to form, peanut butter M&M. Well, that was a waste. Might as well get a drink, anyway.

BRRR! Cold on my teeth! That smarts.

Back to my desk now. Hey, what's going on with that clock? I'm not so tired that I'm hallucinating, am I? Are the hands really just spinning around and around and around.... it's kind of hypnotic...


Whoa, wake up. Crap, how long was I standing there staring at the broken clock? No way to know, the hands just keep spinning... like in a movie... Now don't start that again. Seriously, back to the desk. Back to work. Those statements aren't going to stuff themselves.

Hot cheese, my inbox is a mess. Did it look like that when I left yesterday? I swear I've been more productive than that today. At least as productive as I can be whilst slipping in and out of consciousness...

It's so quiet... where is everybody...? Lunch, I guess... kinda early for lunch, though. 'Maybe they're all out for coffee. At the same time.' Hahaha, I love that movie... Mmmmm....

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AAAH! Holy shunt, what is that?! Some kind of Romanian pop ballad? My goodness, that's loud. Those speakers must go to 11. Thanks, Alina. Woke me right up. Crap, I hope I don't have keyboard face now. I could go to the mirror and check... but it's so far away...

Whatever happened to those M&Ms? Oh, wait, there they are. I don't have many left. Have to make them last another... hour... until lunch... *yawn*

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