Monday, September 8

... About Getting More Edumacated

Reader, you know I'm a fan of the learning. I like knowing stuff. And I love school.

It's been really hard on me this past year, not having school to go to. I drive by the elementary school on my way to work every day, and when I see all those little kids with their giant backpacks I feel jealous. I want a giant backpack! With books in it! To take to school!

As you may or may not be aware (depending on whether or not I told you), I've considered grad school. Part of me knows it's just not very logical at this venture in time - I don't have nearly enough money saved up to go back to school full-time, I'd have to go to some expensive city far away (like L.A. or New York, or I-get-so-excited-thinking-about-it-that-I-don't-even-want-to-let-myself-get-my-hopes-up-but-how-cool-would-it-be-if-I-got-into-that-program-in London?), and in my goal profession an advanced degree is not really a benefit.

But still, part of me thinks about it all the time. How great would it be to be back in school, to have classes to go to and assignments to finish and classmates to outperform - I mean, interact with?

Why does school have to be so expensive? I've often said that if I had unlimited means, I'd just go to school for the rest of my life. And I mean it.

So if any of the readers of this blog are lonely old spinsters out there on their deathbeds, sitting on a pile of cash with no friends or family to give it to, who would just like a little company, someone to read their favorite James Joyce to them in soft green tones like the rolling hills of Ireland and hold their hand as they slowly draw their last breath and expel it with a tender, "I'm leaving you my fortune," in the presence of several acceptable witnesses, give me a call. Please. I'll bring the Ulysses.

But until that happy day comes, Reader, that joyful day when some sad and lonely widow kicks the proverbial bucket, I'm going to have to make do with another form of eduction. Namely, a guitar class through the Granite Peaks Lifelong Learning center. That's right, Reader. I'm taking a guitar class. One evening a week for 8 weeks, starting September 22.

Now, I know what you're thinking, Reader. 'But Kristen, you don't need a guitar class! I've heard you play! You're a virtuoso! You already know chords G, D, A, and C! I've even heard tale that you can play E minor, if you think about it long enough!'

While technically, Reader, you're right. But despite my obvious talent for playing those four and a half chords, carefully pruned over the last 7 years since I got my first guitar, I still believe that there are things left for me to learn. I can only hope that my teacher is up to the task of teaching these things to me.

So wish me luck! In just two short weeks I'll be back to school. I hope that's enough time for me to find myself a giant backpack.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Ulysses? Seriously? Have you ever read that for reals? Garbage. Actually, I take that back. I do think it's impressive, with all the references he is able to weave throughout the text, but seriously--chapters about picking noses, and peeing into the ocean? Come on.

And I'm currently learning to play guitar--strangely fulfilling, if you ask me. I was also going through school withdrawals, and it seems to have helped.