Friday, February 8

... About Becoming a Super Hero

I think all children (and, let's face it, most adults) imagine the super powers they would most like to have. When I was a little girl, I used to have intensely vivid dreams where I could fly. If I were a superhero, that's what I'd want. To fly. And have eagle-vision. And super strength. And the ability to morph. But mostly I'd want to fly. And while, sure, having the ability to save the planet would be advantageous and everything, everybody knows the best part of being a superhero is the accessories.

Just think of all the cool gadgets that superheroes use. Grappling hooks, super-magnets... but I must admit, the one accessory I'd really want is a totally kick-a car worthy of my superhero awesomeness. And now, with just a $500 deposit, that dream could be a reality in about a year. Meet my newest friend, the Aptera.

I'm not going to overload you with all the amazing details, you can click the picture and go to the website for that. And you should. It's going to make you want one as badly as I want one. And ooohhhhhh........ that's baaaaaaadddd.....

So now I need a superhero name.

1 comment:

Parrish Family said...

I haven't thought of a cool name for you. But I think you for sure should get that car and then come give me a ride. Because super heros are nice and do things like that for their friends! :-)